Sometimes a deferral period can kick in before you're ready or a need will arise to train a new hire immediately despite your deferral period. If you'd like to disable your deferral period and train any deferred new hires right away, you can do so following the instructions below.
Step 1: Download the list of impacted users
First, go to your admin hub and open up the training campaign you'd like to edit. Click the 'Enrolled: X learners + Y' section at the top of the page.
Filter by enrollment status to only show upcoming learners (the folks who were deferred) and download a CSV of the list.
Step 2: Disable the deferral period & unenroll deferred users
If you haven't already, turn off your deferral period. Back on the training campaign page, click on the 'Deferral' setting and change it to 'Release immediately.'
Then, navigate to the Manage Learners section. Add the deferred users to the Excluded list by selecting the 'Excluded' tab and uploading the CSV you downloaded previously, then select 'Review & Save Campaign.'
Step 3: Re-enroll the deferred users
Go to Edit... > Manage Learners once more and add these users to the Included list by selecting Upload CSV > Add team members on the 'Included' tab. Select 'Review & Save Campaign.'
These users will now be enrolled and will receive a new training notification at 10am in their local time zone.
If needed, you can reinstate the deferral period at this point for future users.
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